Wednesday, May 17, 2017

USPS Denies Insurance Claim; Slurpee Mishap

No surprise here.  The insurance claim for the broken Warmahordes miniatures was denied.  I waited 4 days for a letter explaining why it was denied.  Evidently, it was denied because the proof submitted to substantiate the value of the claim was insufficient.  The letter stated this:

That's some pretty tough crap to overcome.  I traded miniatures for miniatures.  The letter went on to state:

Hmmm... Again, it was a trade of miniatures for miniatures, so there's no receipt or evidence of payment.  I tried to get around this by sending an appeal with prices of completed eBay auctions like this:

I even submitted before and after pictures to buttress the claim:

And... No success on the appeal:(

I'm not willing to give up on this and have created an itemized receipt listing the value of the items traded for and the items traded to my trading partner.  I'm just waiting for receipt of the signed receipt from my trading partner.  Once received, I'll submit a second appeal and keep you guys updated.

On a lighter note, an incident from Seven Eleven last night shows why you need to carefully watch your children at all times.  I let my youngest one get a Slurpee by herself, turned around to grab some Slurpee straws and look what happened:

Damn that was a mess... And being the good parent that I am, I decided to take a picture of the situation getting worse rather than helping her lol.  Luckily the clerk just didn't care.  Have a good one today.

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